If the menu goes grey just refresh the page. Not sure what bug is causing that?

The Mini Map is a humorous game about navigating the hero, around the world. The game is similar to a text adventure game, with story & interactions with NPC's in the world.

Created for GMTK 2023.

Hope you enjoy.


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I loved the little story arc and the art is pretty cute, it has some great potential. But some things were kinda frustrating, the resolution and font make it very hard to read the blurry text so I found myself squinting my eyes to read even at full screen, I would also love a button to locate the hero and a drag function to connect the dots to move instead of clicking each one

Thanks for the kind words. 

Yes all of those issues are ones that i wish i had time to fix, but i was running pretty low on time at the end. I wanted to do pathfinding and forgot to update the resolution on the minimap rendering.