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Charming! I liked the puzzle+tower design, it's pretty clever and fun to figure out the optiomal setup during each wave and level

Loved how you need to shuffle the pieces around between waves to keep your turrets optimal and all!

Wish the first broccoli of each level were a bit easier to achieve to at least receive a poor man's trophy after winning despite my tower being in shambles haha. Good luck on the full release!

Thanks for the kind words :D. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. 

I've tried to make the first broccoli easy but maybe it's still too hard haha. What difficulty did you play on?

I did play on the hardest! I got the hang of it during the later levels and got a couple broccolis, but I think the first level or 2 could be a bit easier, just so I know Im at least doing the basics right hahah